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XM Company News


Soon: CFD Trading Seminar in Thailand

Posted on January 4, 2018 at 1:09 pm GMT

In February 2018, XM will be hosting a free seminar in Bangkok and in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on CFD trading, where we look forward to welcoming investors interested in learning about this popular form of online investment. Our seminar, due to take place in Bangkok on 17 February and in Chiang Mai on 24 February, was designed to impart as much practical information on CFD trading as possible, for traders still new to this form of online investing, as well [..]


Starting in March: XM Seminar Road Trip in Malaysia

Posted on January 2, 2018 at 12:31 pm GMT

Just like in the previous years, XM will continue hosting free seminars in Southeast Asia to reach through to traders with the first-hand education of professional instructors about trading forex and other financial assets. As a part of the extensive educational program of XM, starting from March 2018 a seminar road trip will take place across Malaysia, featuring the seminar topic titled Investment Strategies in Online Trading, presented by Zulle Razak. The destinations of the Malaysian road trip will be [..]


XM Participates at the Money Show Financial Expo in Athens

Posted on December 28, 2017 at 6:51 am GMT

On 7, 8 and 9 January 2018, XM will be participating a the Money Show Financial Exhibition in Athens, Greece. We are starting the year 2018 with several events of great significance in the world of finance, the first of which will be our presence at the prestigious event series organized in the Greek capital, Athens, due to take place on the premises of Hotel Hilton in Athens. The event series hosts some of the largest and most acknowledged financial [..]


Season’s Greetings from XM

Posted on December 18, 2017 at 10:00 am GMT

On behalf of XM, we would like to express our warmest greetings and best wishes for the upcoming winter holidays, and sincerely wish all our clients a Happy Winter Holiday Season that they can share with their families and beloved ones. On the approaching end of the year 2017, we would also like to wish every client of ours a Happy New Year in 2018. Kindly view the trading and customer support hours during the winter holidays in the table [..]


XM Brought Forex Education to Morocco

Posted on December 14, 2017 at 10:21 am GMT

This winter XM brought forex education to Morocco once again by visiting Marrakesh on 6th December and Tangier on 9th December with the seminar titled Introduction to the Avramis Swing Trading Techniques. The two Moroccan cities were the last two destinations of a long forex trading seminar series started earlier this autumn by XM in the MENA countries, but just as successful as the rest of seminars regarding the interest of those who joined it and their readiness to learn [..]


Free CFD Trading Seminar Took Place in Athens

Posted on December 12, 2017 at 1:08 pm GMT

On 9th December, XM hosted its latest free seminar in Athens, Greece, dedicated to imparting useful knowledge on trading Contracts for Differences (CFDs) on different financial instruments. For online investors genuinely dedicated to consistently improving their trading knowledge is not only a must in today’s world but also a way to keep up with the changes that affect the global forex and CFD markets, as well as get familiar with the latest investing trends. Thus our seminar aimed to explore [..]


XM Completes Seminar Series in Germany

Posted on December 12, 2017 at 7:54 am GMT

This December, XM successfully completed its forex trading seminar series started in Germany in autumn to offer both beginner and more seasoned traders professional education that can help them enrich their trading knowledge and develop their investing skills. The last two destinations of our seminar series were Munich on 25 November, and just two weeks later Hamburg on 9 December. In each city, forex instructor Gil Paz delivered the seminar titled Guidelines on Online Forex Trading, the syllabus of which [..]


Free Seminar Successfully Concluded in Reggio Emilia

Posted on December 11, 2017 at 1:14 pm GMT

On 9th December, XM returned to Italy with yet another free trading seminar, held this time in Reggio Emilia, designed for online investors keen on improving their trading practices with the help of XM’s free education. Together with event presenter Lorenzo Sentino, our XM staff members, who accompanied him to Reggio Emilia, were glad to reconnect with all those clients of ours who dedicated time to joining our seminar organized at Hotel Remilia. During his presentation, forex instructor Lorenzo Sentino [..]


XM Hosts Seminar on Cryptocurrency Trading in Kuala Lumpur

Posted on December 6, 2017 at 8:46 am GMT

Just like in the previous years, in 2018 XM will stay true to the belief that education matters. We will thus continue hosting free trading seminar series in various parts of the world. Our first destination to visit on 27 January 2018 will be Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The seminar titled Cryptocurrencies – Investing in Digital Currencies will have much information to offer to online investors keen on learning about the newest revolutionary invention that has had a high impact on [..]


XM Celebrated 3rd Anniversary Gala Event in Bangkok

Posted on December 5, 2017 at 11:49 am GMT

2nd December 2017 was a very special day for XM: we celebrated the third consecutive year of our company’s presence in Thailand with a grand gala event organised in Bangkok. The representative members of XM present at the gala welcomed event guests at Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, where an evening rich in entertainment, a luxury dinner, and most of all a friendly atmosphere awaited all those who honoured us with their presence. During the past few years, we have made continued [..]

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