Uzbekistan Seminars Successfully Completed

Posted on September 12, 2023 at 9:45 am GMT. Read More XM Company News

On August 26 and September 2, we were delighted to welcome a group of our traders in Tashkent and Samarkand, for a fantastic ‘How to Turn Gold Trading into a Reliable Income’ seminar with Zeta Invest CEO and Founder Jamshid Karimov.

The seminars were the perfect opportunity for our clients to expand their trading knowledge and ask all their questions about trading gold, while socializing with like-minded traders, and our experts.

Karimov went over the most common gold trading strategies in Uzbekistan, the best analysis methods for gold, as well as an overview of the financial markets and personal finance.

That’s not all! 10 lucky-draw winners went home with $50 to $300 in their XM trading accounts and we all enjoyed a complementary dinner after the seminar. This was our way to thank everyone for attending and motivate them to use their newfound knowledge to trade.

This was yet another fantastic opportunity for us to connect with our traders, and meet them in person, while giving them an opportunity to develop their skills and boost their trading. Thank you to everyone who attended, we hope to see you again soon.